Being a Working Woman Be Like

di Erica Fossati
donna lavoro società manager



Paolo Durante, ex former director-investor relations & strategic planning at Moncler, has been nominated general manager of Liu Jo. These are the news we want to read! Women in managerial positions, just like men… wait a second, not really… In fact, not all that glitters is gold, unfortunately. 

In Italy, only one fifth of managers are women. But how is this possible? Considering that the percentage of women who study and attend university is higher than the one of men. Also in terms of school performance, women achieve better results. Despite this, working women are less than working men, in fact, the female unemployment rate is 12% while the male is 9%.

So, how is it possible that a woman (sometimes with more scholastic skills than a man) gets less results than a man in the working sector? 

There’s still a lot of work to be done…

But that’s not all. Unfortunately, the Gender Pay Gap is still too widespread, the phenomenon according to which a woman is paid less than a man even if they have the same working position. Perhaps this data is even worse than the previous ones… just imagine, it’s already hard enough to reach the top of a managerial position, once you get there, you are paid less than a man, just because you are a woman. In Italy, the gender pay gap is 33%, this means that a woman gets a salary of one third less than a man. Crazy, isn’t it?

Pambianco gives us some hope with these data, from 2020 to 2021 in the fashion industry there was a growth of 11% of working women on the boards, reaching the percentage of 25%, with a European average of 32%.

So let’s not get discouraged, although the road is still long, it seems that slowly the statistics are improving, especially in the fashion industry. 

Come on girls and women, we won’t give up!
