Stonethica makes marble sustainable

di Marta Ongaro



Stonethica is an Italian company located in Massa, Tuscany, which put marble at the center of a circular economy. With a green technique, it recycles the marble waste and gives it a new life. This way, marble and natural stone in general become sustainable, synonymous with ethical luxury.

Marble is a particular metamorphic rock. During several geological eras, strong pressures and high temperatures transformed the rocks into the polished and iridescent material we see in homes, historical buildings, statues and monuments. Italy counts several types of marble, considered amongst the finest in the world. Carrara marble is one of them, extracted from the Apuan alps. Here is where Stonethica was born with the aim to safeguard and revolutionize this precious material.

Marble, as many other natural resources, is finite. Thus, we should preserve it and limit its extraction to reduce our environmental impact. Stonethica developed a sustainable and circular process to recycle it and avoid waste. The company collects scraps from the marble processing and reassembles them into new products. This circular redevelopment process is possible thanks to a special non-toxic bicomponent resin.

Through its products Stonethica presents a disruptive idea of luxury. The beauty does not derive only from a precious and exclusive material, but also from a recovery process. It’s not beautiful what’s new, but life that regenerates, renews and transforms. Just like in nature. As Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed”.