Sailor Moon is a true pop feminist icon. She is the protagonist of a popular 90’s anime, but is still very contemporary. This heroin, with her collegiate yet spicy look, embodies female empowerment. She fights against evil forces together with her best friends, the Sailor Senshi.
In this cartoon, the female characters are not damsels in distress waiting to be rescued, but soldiers able to save both themselves and the others. They don’t fight super villains, but everyday social problems, bullying and discriminations. They show that the world can change one piece at a time, but only if we all do our part.
Sailor Moon teaches girls that they can be strong, brave and ambitious without renouncing to their femininity. The Sailor Senshi manage to defeat their enemies wearing miniskirts and high heels. And, unlike other cartoons, they are not all the same. Their outfits match, but each of them has her own peculiarities, since diversity is an added value.
And they are not perfect. At the beginning, Sailor Moon is a clumsy and shy teenager, but little by little, thanks to her determination and her friends’ support, she becomes strong and self-confident. The message here is that you should never stop working on yourself, chasing your dreams and cultivate friendships.