Why do we see always more influencers at the Venice red carpet?

di Erica Fossati



August is over, making way for September, which brings with it the long-awaited Venice Film Festival. Even in this edition there is no shortage of controversy; for the past few years we have been noticing newer and younger faces on the red carpet. They are indeed influencers, instagrammers, and tiktokers, from Giulia Del Lellis, Elisa Maino, Marta Losito, now well-known personalities, to Giulia Bernardi, Federica Scagnetti, Carlotta Fiasella, and Cleo Toms, whom we can consider influencers on a strong growth. 

The question that triggers more and more controversy is: Why do we find more and more influencers at the Venice red carpet? Let’s clear up any doubts… Who can explain it to us if not an influencer? Here is what Francesca Biella tells us in a Tik Tok. “I went to Woody Allen’s red carpet and saw the premiere of the film in French with Italian subtitles. People who are not actors or actresses go to the red carpet in collaboration with brands that give you a ticket to get in. You go with makeup and jewelry in collaboration to sponsor them. I’m an influencer, I’m nobody, I went for work.” 

In this case, she was invited by the Campari brand, not as an actress but as a content creator. It is simply her job. It may still seem a bit strange to many, but in 2023, social can turn into a real job!

What do you think?