How much is culture worth to Italy?

di Erica Fossati



Rome, Milan, Turin, Florence, Naples, Venice, Bologna, Palermo, Genoa and Cagliari. These are just some of the Italian cities with more than 100 cultural sites that every year drive billions of tourists around the world to savour our art and history. But how much is culture valued in Italy? Theatres, museums, art galleries, libraries, opera houses need some care. 

“The moment one decides to go to Rome, one should determine to go to the museum every other day: one would accustom the soul to feel beauty.”    Stendhal

Do you know how much the Italian government invests in the culture sector? In 2020-2021, 5 billion euros have been placed. That might seem like a not insignificant amount… Not when compared to the investments other countries make. Germany invested 16.6 billion and France 15.3, exactly three times what our state has done. This situation has driven many employees to leave their jobs, which often coincide with their passion, because of precarious contracts and too low wages, from 4 to 8 euros per hour. (sometimes gross)

What if our museums stand empty one day?