di Erica Fossati
fake contraffazione



During the weekends I work in a luxury store, often customers, especially foreign ones, when they enter the shop, they ask me: “Are the products authentic?”. (Of course they are!)

The Fashion Law has just revealed the results of a survey on counterfeit fashion.  52% of respondents (between 15 and 24 years old) have purchased at least one counterfeit product online in the last 12 months, and 37% of them purchased the fake product on purpose. 

Obviously, the main motivation that drives us young people to buy counterfeit products are the really inaccessible prices of certain brands. Legit. I agree, some prices are really dizzying but this isn’t a good reason to allow us to buy fake articles, helping to enrich a market that earns billions and billions of euros damaging the general economy and all the brands that have taken years and years to build a strong and compact image. 

The most common fake articles are those with logos and typical prints of a brand. This is because the monogram and logo immediately recall to power and luxury, they are recognisable symbols. Unfortunately, today the most important thing is appearance, to look rich and powerful even if you are not in reality… But a logo is not just a simple logo. There is much more!

Often, ignorance leads to think that there is no difference between a fake article and an authentic one. It is important to keep in mind that when we buy an authentic luxury product, we do not only pay for the finished product but also the manufacture and all the people who help creating that product (which are so many, trust me), heritage, impeccable costumer service, the guarantee, the costumer experience and the highest quality.

On tik tok often there are viral videos of boys and girls showing their latest purchases, fake items at bargain prices. Let us remember that buying fake articles is illegal and wrong, especially if you are aware, you are qualified as co-responsible subjects!

What do you think?