As spoilered by Mffashion, soon Chanel will open boutiques dedicated only to the best clients who have bought more in recent years. If this is not exclusivity tell me what it is! The cities have not been revealed yet… We’re waiting…
But why this choice? The French brand follows a policy that is, to say the least, unique and counter-current. It’s important to keep in mind that Chanel does not sell online and has no intention of doing it! (Apart from make-up and beauty products, perfumes and eyewear) Despite this choice, in 2021 Chanel’s turnover increased by 49%, practically doubled, also thanks to the increase in prices. That’s a lot of money!
More revenue means more customers flocking the stores, making costumer experience less elite. This is where comes from the idea of opening boutiques only for special clients, in order to offer an experience in which the customer feels unique and pampered.