‘How much trust do you have in politics?’
56% answered ‘Little’ and 33% ‘None’.
This is one of the questions that was asked to 23 thousand young guys and girls by CNC Media in collaboration with Sole 24ORE. As is evident from these results, unfortunately, in Italy, especially young people have little hope for politics…
We don’t feel understood and we don’t feel listened. Just think that to the question ‘Do you think politicians are aware of young people problems?’ 90% of the answers is ‘No’.
This makes us feel less part of our country, as if we did not exist, as if we were not important enough to be considered. All this drives us to move away from our beautiful Italy and look for opportunities elsewhere, abroad. How many people do you know who have moved abroad to have more job opportunities? This makes us reflect… But how wonderful would it be to change our country and avoid having to run away?
Well, this is the right time to act and especially to make a change. On September 25th elections will be held. This applies especially to us, Millennials and Gen Z. It’s true, when we say that our country does not give us opportunities and does not help us it’s true! This is the reason we must make ourselves listened, let them understand that we are here. Our presence is fundamental! Our vote can be vital to build a country where we are happy.
After this motivation script your question will be: ‘Yes, okay, but who am I going to vote?’ Only 41% of teens already know who to vote (including me) while the rest has no idea. In this case, the key weapon is information, as always. There are many videos on Tik Tok (@flavia.carlini, @factanza) or Instagram profiles (@gabi_monta) that explain in a fast, not too complicated and neutral way the different programs of the candidates. It won’t be as interesting as watching a Netflix TV series but it’s better than nothing…
So, remember, go and vote!!