130 years for Vogue!

di Erica Fossati



Happy Birthday Vogue! This year the most famous fashion magazine in the world turns 130, Vogue you’re getting old but never boring! Oh yes, the magazine was founded back in 1892 in New York by Arthur Baldwin Turnurel. Its purpose was to narrate about the lifestyle of New York high society. 

What will Vogue organise for this special occasion? The event will be held on September 12th during the New York fashion week. Where to celebrate if not in the birthplace of the Big Apple? The best pieces of the fall/winter 2022 collections of the biggest fashion houses will be presented, including Balenciaga, Dior, Gucci, Valentino, Burberry, Christopher John Rogers, Coach, Ralph, Michael Kors, Collina Strada. Brother Vellies, Bode, Matty Bovan, Conner Ives, with street-fairs and newsstands that will offer limited edition articles and a thousand other surprises. 

Well, we are waiting patiently to know more about this event!