The peach and the reconciliation of a family

di Erica Fossati



“There is no grocery shopping that doesn’t matter” is how Esselunga’s latest commercial ends, which divided the public, those who felt outraged and those who felt understood. Emma has become the star of café chatter, classroom discussions between students and teachers, and argument among colleagues during lunch break. 

The little girl, Emma, while on a shopping trip with her mom, decides to add a peach to their cart, which she then keeps in her backpack. When she gets home, it’s her turn to be with daddy. As soon as she greets him, she hands him the peach: “This is from Mom”. A small gesture in an attempt to reconcile and unite her separated family. 

This is certainly a different advertisement than usual, leaving a feeling of bitterness and tenderness and, above all, food for thought. True, it’s not a representation of a “traditional” family, the so-called white mill family, but how common is it in our society to see separated couples? It is still about family, real and true. 

What do you guys think?