Let’s donate!

di Erica Fossati
donazione sangue avis



A few weeks ago I did my first blood donation and found out that June 14th was World Blood Donor Day. 

I had been thinking about it for a few years, but I never found the courage to actually do it. I felt and still feel the desire to help someone, above all, I feel very lucky to be in excellent health, so why not help someone who unfortunately does not have the same luck? Too often we take for granted the fact that we can eat, work, even breathe fresh air and live everyday life.

As Il Sole 24 Ore points out, in Lombardy the amount of red blood cells that is consumed is 427,802 while the one we donate is 428,875. The difference is very subtle! We absolutely need new donors!

Did you know that only with one donation you can save up to three lives? 

Not only can you save others lives, you can also safeguard your own life, always controlling your values before any donation. 

Let us remember that blood is indispensable and above all it is not reproducible artificially. The only source it can be drawn from is us. 

I know that many people are hesitant about it, maybe because they are a bit scared or maybe they think it’s a risky move. (I was among them but it’s time to take courage!) 

Let’s face it, it’s not much fun doing blood tests… and it’s not even fun going to the hospital… But it’s all for a good cause! 

No panic. It is not as traumatic as it seems, in reality, donations last only 15 minutes and there is no risk because the donors are carefully selected following precise criteria. In addition, we also have free breakfast! Who would refuse a free breakfast?

If you want to know more, visit https://www.avis.it/it