What about sustainability?

di Erica Fossati



A survey conducted by Csri-Credit Suisse Research Institute showed that out of 10,000 people, aged between 16 and 40, 40% of them refuses fast-fashion world, therefore not sustainable. This preference was especially emphasised by the Gen Z and Millennials generation, in which I also include myself. 

We have to admit that leading a sustainable lifestyle is not easy at all but we can definitely start with little steps. The real question is, what can we do to help our planet? For example, when I go shopping I always take with me my canvas tote bag so I don’t have to buy a plastic or cardboard bag that would have to be thrown away.

Another move that we can make is inform ourselves with brand initiatives regarding sustainability and support them as we can. In this case, I can help you, I will keep you updated with the fashion eco-news!